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Fall 2007 news update

Oloile Secondary School Continues to Grow

2007 has been an exciting year so far for Staff of Hope. The vision of quality education in a safe environment for some of the neediest children of southern Kenya has become a reality. This time last year that was all that existed, a vision. With the support of donors, staff, and the community of Kimana Kenya, Oloile Secondary School opened its doors to students in January. As the speed of this project exceeded expectations, so did enrollment. Over 200 children are now attending Oloile.

The student body is making full use of the four classrooms, science lab, and recently completed dining hall/kitchen facility. In addition, Staff of Hope hosted a small church group this summer that helped complete a second small house on the campus for teacher housing.

Even with all of this activity there is still much to do to complete this vision. Additional classroom space, and tuition assistance for many students is still needed. Click here to contact us to learn how you can help and please keep Oloile and the Kimana community in your prayers.

Forty Three Travel to Work on Karero Clinic

Starting with the work of architectural students Matthew Ridenour and David Aine a group of supporters from all over the western United States traveled to Kenya this summer to partner with Staff of Hope in the construction of a medical clinic in Karero Kenya.

The clinic is located seventeen kilometers from the nearest paved road, in an area that is often isolated by swollen rivers during the rainy season. The clinic meets a dire need in this area of over 10,000 people, greatly reducing the travel distance required to receive proper medical care. With the planned addition of a fresh water well, the clinic is on track to open for services in early October. Participants in the trip were overwhelmed with the gratitude and hospitality of the Karero community.

Thinking of visiting Kenya?

Do these projects sound inviting? Have you or your organization or church group considered a mission trip to Africa? Staff of Hope can assist in showing you how you can make a difference and connect to those in need.

With trips typically planned for summer months, Staff of Hope has been helping organizations both big and small make a significant difference in East Africa. If this sounds like a calling to you or your organization, click here or call us at (866) 853-0574 and we can work together to create a trip to fit your needs. Travel arrangements need to be made well in advance so don’t delay.

Did you Know?

The IRA rollover provision, approved as part of the Pension Protection Act of 2006, enables donors age 70½ or older to exclude from adjusted gross income the amount of “qualified charitable distributions” up to $100,000 per year from regular or Roth IRAs (see IRS publication 590). The provision expires December 31, 2007. Consult a qualified tax advisor for more information.

Water Drilling

Did you know that there are very few well drilling operations in the Maasai land of southern Kenya? The difficulty of drilling to the depths needed for wells in this region is one of the many hurdles to the availability of water. Staff of Hope has seen a need for increased access to clean, safe drinking water in this region. We are currently evaluating options for purchasing additional drilling equipment. Please join us as we search for ways to make this vision a reality.

Giving to Staff of Hope has increased over three fold in 2007 vs. the same period last year. Organizations and individuals joining us in major projects such as the Oloile Secondary School and Karero medical clinic are a significant part of this growth. If you would like to learn how you can get involved click here or call us at (866) 853-0574. Please consider how you can help us to grow and meet the needs of our sisters and brothers in Sub Saharan Africa.

References (9)

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    I bookmarked this link. Thank you for good job!
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    Response: check my blog
    Good Website, Continue the very good work. Thank you.
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    Fall 2007 news update - News - Staff of Hope - Water, Education and Healthcare in East Africa
  • Response
    Fall 2007 news update - News - Staff of Hope - Water, Education and Healthcare in East Africa
  • Response
    In the past we had witnessed how people treat things and different perspectives. They were not that much educated as they were expected to be. Education makes them to groom themselves and make things more realistic for them.
  • Response
    Growing the schools like Oloile Secondary schools is my wish because your schools is become a force in the country. I had a wish that my institute will become like your school and make a name like you done with your school.
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    Good night
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    Response: SB Game Hacker
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