2021 | Yesterday, Today, and Forever
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” Hebrews 13:8
As we look ahead to 2022, it is reassuring to know that in a world full of uncertainty, we have a secure anchor. Even as COVID-19 continues to impact people throughout the world, Staff of Hope has been persistent in pointing to our true hope and anchor, Jesus Christ.
Looking around at the beauty of God’s creation can often serve as a reminder that He is the Creator, and He does have a plan. Being close to a giraffe, an elephant, or a million zebras easily points to the fact that God is BIG and in control.
For the past twenty years, Staff of Hope has been an anchor for communities along the Kenya / Tanzania boarder. Since our founding in 2001, together, we have:
- Drilled deep water wells giving clean water to tens of thousands of people
- Hosted pastor leadership seminars equipping hundreds of pastors
- Built and handed over to the local community an orphanage and a medical clinic
- Planted crops, grass, & hundreds of trees
- Hosted mission trips
- Handed out Bibles
- Helped girls receive education and sanitary products
- Given families hundreds of cows, goats, and chickens
- Created many local jobs
- Built and maintained Oloile Secondary School
Oloile Seconday School opened its doors again to students after a brief shut down due to the virus. We have continued to teach core classes on: English, Swahili, Math, Science, Computers, and more. We encourage students to participate in extracurricular activities such as: agriculture club, Christian club, dance, running, soccer, volleyball, baseball, and much more. Oloile is a boarding school for boys and girls and our current attendance is 145. We have a wonderful girl’s dorm under the care and guidance of Kristine. The boys now have two dorm buildings including one that opened in the winter of 2021.
The Bible says, “He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall never be shaken” (Psalm 62:2). Over the past twenty years, we have provided clean water, education, and Christian leadership development to point to our true rock, Jesus.
As Staff of Hope looks ahead, we are excited to see how God will continue to work.
Please prayerfully consider making a financial gift, to help our neighbors in East Africa to be more self-sufficient. Monetary contributions are tax-deductible as allowed by the law. Please consider giving not only an annual gift but also making a recurring gift online. Please share this letter about Staff of Hope with your church, school, or business.
Please consider the impact your gift will make:
$5 Chickens to help families to be self-sustaining
$10 Planting vegetables at our school
$15 School supplies (science equipment, books, paper, pencils, etc.)
$20 Food purchase for Covid-19 relief
$40 Goat to help a family to be self-sustaining
$50 Sponsor a local Kenyan Pastor’s ministry/church
$75 Calf helping a family to be self-sustaining
$100 Teacher’s salary for a month
$150 New water pipes to transport well water throughout the school
$250 Boarding a student at our school for a year
$500 New Desks and tables at school $5,000 Purchasing more land around our school for future growth
$_______ General Donation (any amount where most needed)
Be sure to “Like” us on Facebook and “Follow” us on Twitter. Thank you! Together we are making an impact!
The Board of Directors