Staff of Hope's response to the COVID-19 virus
March 30, 2020
Thank you to all of our ministry partners.
Staff of Hope continues to minister in East Africa during this virus.
Below is a brief update about our response and plans for continued support to those we minister with in East Africa.
- Oloile Secondary School has been closed and all students sent home while the virus spreads.
- Staff of Hope will continue to pay our school faculty and staff even while school is closed.
- One month’s salary was advanced to all school employees to help them prepare.
- $2,500 was wired to our ministry partners for food.
- Our friends in Kenya and Uganda are praying for Staff of Hope and all our supporters. We have been praying for our partners in ministry in East Africa.
Plans for further support during the spread of the virus:
- $4,000 to purchase a generator for school to provide continuous water for crops and for clean drinking water in Kimana.
- $3,000 for food, seeds, chickens, goats, and blankets in Kimana and Namanga.
- We will be stewards of donations for medical assistance.
Staff of Hope continues to “run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the pioneer, and perfecter of our faith” (Hebrews 12: 1-2).
We are praying for our partners in ministry in the USA, East Africa, and other parts of the world.
Together in Prayer,
Staff of Hope