
What's New!


Come out and play a round with Staff of Hope, April 23rd at Chapel Hill Country Club

We had such a response from our dinner and silent auction that we're hosting another event. On Monday, April 23rd come out for the 1st Annual Staff of Hope Golf Tournament at the Chapel Hill Country Club.

Checkin begins at 8:00AM and Shotgun start at 9:00AM.

Great Prizes to win from Long Drive contests, Closest to the Pins, Hole in Ones, Chipping Contest, and Putting Contest.

Registration has begun and runs thru April 15, 2012. All foursomes are 1st come 1st serve. Space is limited, so we recommend you register quickly! 


You're Invited: Fundraiser and Silent Auction

Staff of Hope Dinner and Silent Auction

Saturday, March 17, 2012 at 6:00 PM (ET)
Chapel Hill, NC

Water, education and health care:

30,000 more people a year with access to clean water

200 students in school

Hundreds receiving critical medical services every month

Come celebrate with Staff of Hope as we celebrate our 10 Anniverary with a fundraising dinner on March 17 at the Chapel Hill Country Club, Chapel Hill North Carolina. This fundraiser will raise money to help Staff of Hope's mission in in East Africa.  

The evening will feature a silent auction, live music, a three course meal, and a raffle for a trip to Kenya to experience an African Safari.

Come enjoy the food, music and friendship. We look forward to seeing you there.

*If you've already RSVP'd through a table host there's no need to register below.


2011 in Review

Staff of Hope was established in 2001 believing that we should love our neighbors. We believe out partners in East Africa do not want free handouts, but a neighbor to join then, helping them to become self-sustaining. Valuing service and giving of one-self, we believe that those who give are themselves blessed. Over the ten years of this ministry, many people from different states and different countries have demonstated that we share these same beliefs. The Borad of Directors thank you for your partnership.

United, we are impacting the lives of thousands each year in East Africa:
  • 30,000 people per year receive clean water from our newly drilled wells
  • Over 200 students now receive education from a top ranked high school
  • Beginning in February, over 100 girls will benefit from an on-site dormatory at the secondary school
  • Daily dozens receive primary medical care, treating diseases, providing safe births and more

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Staff of Hope 4711 Hope Valley Rd. #114, Durham, NC 27707 © Staff of Hope, Founded 2001